
dimanche 27 janvier 2013


Newspapers and magazines are two important forms of print media that are read by millions of people around the world, to get information and entertainment. People are so used to newspapers and magazines that they hardly pay any attention to differences between them. This article tries to differentiate between these two types of print media on the basis of their features.
Though the spread of the internet and electronic media like TV and cable has put some breaks on the circulation and numbers of newspapers, they still remain the primary source of authentic, reliable and fresh content about what is happening around the world and locally. The advent of the printing press gave wings to the spread of newspapers and in every part of the world there are national newspapers as well as newspapers in local dialects. Most of the newspapers are daily in nature, but some happen to be weekly and even biweekly. Newspapers traditionally use inferior quality of paper and poor quality ink as the emphasis is on keeping the prices down. As newspapers are distributed early in the morning, people wait for them to get all the information about their city, nation, and international news along with their morning cup of tea or coffee.
Magazines are another form of print media, and they are produced on paper with ink. They are not published daily and are rather published weekly or monthly. These magazines are not sources of fresh content to the extent of publishing breaking news but contain content that is recent in nature. Magazines belong to various fields such as entertainment, science, share markets, sports, movies, and so on. They are expensive as they are published on costly paper that may be glossy and also contain color photos of high resolution.

What is the difference between Newspaper and Magazine ?
• Magazine is smaller in size to newspaper.
• Magazine is more expensive than newspaper.
• Newspaper contains fresher content than magazine.
• Newspaper has more variety of content than magazine that pertains to its chosen field only such as cars, movies, sports, and so on.
• People subscribe for magazines though they are also available on news stands.
• Newspapers are delivered by hawkers though many purchase them at crossings and newsstands.
• Readership of a newspaper is invariably higher than that of a magazine though there are exceptions.
• Newspapers never fall short of content as there is always something happening in different parts of the world, whereas magazine content is always based upon the liking of the readers.
• A magazine is like a book while a newspaper is much larger in size though there is lesser number of pages than in a magazine.
• As far as appearance is concerned, magazines look far more attractive than newspapers.
• Newspapers are more versatile in content than magazines, and they have various sections to suit the interests of people of diverse backgrounds.

Different Types of Newspaper

The different types of news include general news, political news, business news, regional news, entrainment news, niche-oriented news (health, science, technology), crime reporting, and sensationalism.
A daily newspaper
Weekly newspapers
Various Types Of Magazines
You can find different types of magazines like:
General interest magazines:
This type of magazine is published for a wide audience and the focus is either on one or many different subjects. Every general interest magazine is tailored for a specific enthusiast reader. These are not only fun to read but also provide information on topics where a common man would like to read. Freelancers or staffs write stories and articles and a lot of photographs and pictures are included in it. Entertainment, viewpoint promotion and product sale are the main ideas behind every general interest magazines.
Scholarly magazines:
Such magazines focus on academics. You can get in-depth information on many subjects. The format of providing information in a scholarly magazine is serious and so the text book alike. You will find more of graphs and charts rather than pictures. Teaching and providing help in researches is the main purpose of scholarly magazines.
Sensational magazines:
You will find sensational magazines in a newspaper like format. They are thin, but large in size as compared to other magazines. Sensational magazines are said to thrive on creating a stir. Flashy headlines are used for attracting attention of the readers and the main focus is on stories related to celebrities or any other amazing stories. Freelancers or staffers write these articles, which are usually more picturesque than stories that are included in sensational magazines. These are also known as tabloids.

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